13 September 2006

Seriously, I'm actually back this time

Well now. I seem to have taken a very extended holiday. But now I feel like getting back into the swing of things and that includes Ratfoot. So hello again. To nobody, since I'm sure the 4 people who read this blog before have long since stopped checking for updates.

Many things have happened since I last checked in here. Clearly none of them was important enough to write about, however.

So instead, I shall write about the television show Numb3rs. I hate this program. Yet I am absolutely COMPELLED to watch its stupidity. I'm actually totally against the entire concept of the show--You CANNOT solve every problem using math! Not even with the fake math featured on the program. And even if you could I'd still be required to hate the show since I hate math. I don't watch it every week or anything like that, I simply hoard episodes on the fake TIVO until I can't stand passing by them any longer, and then I watch one episode while knitting (which is math related, by the way, so I feel like I've done some sort of math activity and that makes me feel angry yet smart at the same time.) Sometimes my brother comes over and watches with me. My apartment seem to be the meeting place for watching dumb television (this includes Numb3rs, Criminal Minds, and my personal favorite, The Unit).

The main thing is that I pronounce Numb3rs as "Numbthers." Clearly this is how it should be pronounced. You don't put a number inside a word without wanting people to pronounce the number, right? And I've got my brother into doing it also. He's all "Can we watch Numthers tonight" and I'm all "Yes! My powers increase!"


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