Gimme Some of That Shank Bone, Baby, Part II
Today I got up at 8:30 so I could go to Fairway and do a big pre-Passover shopping. For those of you who live in New York, I'm talking about Fairway Uptown, in Harlem, not Fairway downtown on the Upper West Side. Everyone drives to Fairway Uptown, and thus buys entire shopping carts of food, which seems really weird to me, since I usually go to the store every day and have to take the subway home, which means not buying more than I can carry. Anyway, Javert and I went to our garage, got out our car, and then drove the .5 miles to Fairway. We then spent 1 hour with the rest of the car-owning Upper Manhattan living Jews buying things like matzoh meal and parsnips for our seders.
Fairway is so great sometimes. They totally expect us Jews to mob the place this weekend, so they put the horseradish root and the parsnips outside, where we'll be sure to see them. I had a nice little incident in the cold room (Fairway Uptown has entire ROOM that is refrigerated. They used to have coats you could borrow, since it gets pretty cold in there, especially if you try shopping without a list.) when a woman asked me where she could find the chicken to make soup out of. I told her that Fairway downtown has chicken bones for sale, but that Uptown rarely did. We then discussed the merits of using an entire chicken for soup versus chicken parts. We definitely disagreed about the two options, but I was in a rush and also didn't want to use up my cold room reserve heating supply arguing over how to make chicken soup. But my way is obviously better. Duh!
The best part about my shopping trip? The free shank bone! I can't remember if it was free or not last year....I do remember cooking it, however, and can recall with disturbing accuracy the absolutely horrific smell that permeated my apartment that afternoon. The bone smelled so bad that the next night during the part of the seder when you're supposed to "point to the shank bone," (or whatever), we pointed to the garbage can, where the shank bone had met its doom. God that thing was nasty! I'm sure this new one will be just as gross, but at least this year I'm prepared.
I didn't end up buying a turkey though, because I noticed kosher turkeys at the supermarket around the corner from my apartment (the evil D'agostino, you may recall). This may be D'ag's one chance to redeem itself. I'll just buy one there on Tuesday, or attempt to and then freak out when they don't have any left.
Javert totally helped me out yesterday by eating a bunch of old crap from the fridge, so now we have room for things like kugel and 6 dozen eggs (not really, more like 4 dozen), and gefilte fish. And he rearranged the freezer, because all my bags of chicken stock had somehow morphed together into one frozen blob that almost took over one entire freezer drawer. He made room in there by eating up all the ice cream.
Fairway is so great sometimes. They totally expect us Jews to mob the place this weekend, so they put the horseradish root and the parsnips outside, where we'll be sure to see them. I had a nice little incident in the cold room (Fairway Uptown has entire ROOM that is refrigerated. They used to have coats you could borrow, since it gets pretty cold in there, especially if you try shopping without a list.) when a woman asked me where she could find the chicken to make soup out of. I told her that Fairway downtown has chicken bones for sale, but that Uptown rarely did. We then discussed the merits of using an entire chicken for soup versus chicken parts. We definitely disagreed about the two options, but I was in a rush and also didn't want to use up my cold room reserve heating supply arguing over how to make chicken soup. But my way is obviously better. Duh!
The best part about my shopping trip? The free shank bone! I can't remember if it was free or not last year....I do remember cooking it, however, and can recall with disturbing accuracy the absolutely horrific smell that permeated my apartment that afternoon. The bone smelled so bad that the next night during the part of the seder when you're supposed to "point to the shank bone," (or whatever), we pointed to the garbage can, where the shank bone had met its doom. God that thing was nasty! I'm sure this new one will be just as gross, but at least this year I'm prepared.
I didn't end up buying a turkey though, because I noticed kosher turkeys at the supermarket around the corner from my apartment (the evil D'agostino, you may recall). This may be D'ag's one chance to redeem itself. I'll just buy one there on Tuesday, or attempt to and then freak out when they don't have any left.
Javert totally helped me out yesterday by eating a bunch of old crap from the fridge, so now we have room for things like kugel and 6 dozen eggs (not really, more like 4 dozen), and gefilte fish. And he rearranged the freezer, because all my bags of chicken stock had somehow morphed together into one frozen blob that almost took over one entire freezer drawer. He made room in there by eating up all the ice cream.
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