10 April 2006

And you thought the Kosher-for-Passover stuff tasted bad...

Today at work everyone brought in their chametz (all the food you can't eat or even own on Passover--I don't do this, since I'm too poor to get rid of my chametz and can trust myself not to eat it, thank you very much god) for a sort of pre-Passover food fest. It was a junk food extravaganza in the microwave room, with granola bars and pretzels and candy and chips and cookies....specifically Girl Scout Cookies, and more specifically, THIN MINTS. I stole a box for my coworkers and we spent the day bingeing. Your mouth is watering right now just thinking about it, huh?

I found out about the free food when my boss brought in a box of white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies for my two coworkers and me to share. They looked promising; they were organic, and preservative-free, and in a very attractive package. I opened the foil wrapper and thought I smelled something weird-- Phil described the smell as "like carpet cleaner." Undeterred, I tried a cookie. BAD DECISION. It tasted like poison. Naturally I made Phil take a bite too, which he promptly spit up into his garbage can. Then I spit into mine, and we made a big show of washing our mouths out with whatever liquid we had on hand (coffee for me, tea for him). Two hours later I still couldn't get the taste of poison out of my mouth.*

Of course this didn't stop us from rummaging through the other food set out. Hence the Girl Scout cookies and pretzels. But it made both of us wonder if our boss or someone else is trying to kill us.

*This makes me think of those "Mr Yuck" stickers. In kindergarten or maybe first grade, I was assigned "homework," which consisted of me having to put Mr. Yuck stickers on 5 of my favorite household poisons. I wish I could say I chose cool ones, but I think I picked shampoo and hydrogen peroxide. Poisonous? Probably. But it would be much cooler to have chosen something really deadly, like roach bait or drano. I guess I wasn't so evil as a little kid after all.


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