Big Stalks of Grass

Dinner last night. I want to work on taking better pictures, especially of food. For some reason, most food porn photos don't turn out right, even though I'm using the appropriate type of lens and shutter speed, etc. I think the dark colors of my plates and counters play a role--combined with the dark blue kitchen walls, it's just too dark a lot of the time to make for a good photo. I've bought a new white plate, we'll see if that helps. In the meantime, you can enjoy looking at this wonderful plate of chicken, Israeli couscous, asparagus and bread. Not pictured is the cranberry-grape relish for the chicken and couscous.
Does your camera have a close up feature? That works wonders with my food photos. Also, white plate and tons of light. Try resting the camera on a glass or something so you don't get things so shaky. That asparagus looks really fat and delicious.
Yeah, I think lighting is probably your major issue. Professional food pornographers are often either using all sorts of fancy lights or taking pictures in areas with plenty of sunlight. Without one of these two options, it's difficult to have your picture look bright enough without washing everything out with a flash.
Try bringing over an extra lamp or two and focusing the light right toward the plate.
Also, you can always use Photoshop to boost the brightness of the photo. I don't think edits like that count as cheating.
The asparagus was delicious, mostly because I cooked it in chicken fat. Yum. Also, I realized I could be doctoring things up using photoshop after I wrote that can see the results in the next post about the grilled cheese, which looks normal on my computer at home but terrible at work (although that is not surprising, is it?) Thanks for the suggestions guys!
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